Internal Scholarships/Bursaries | St. Clair College

Beta Sigma Phi Award

This award is presented to a female resident of Windsor and Essex County who has completed one full year of post-secondary studies and who is progressing with satisfactory academic standing. The amount of the award is $500.


Postponed until Spring 2023

Application Information

OPSEU CAAT-Support Staff Scholarship

OPSEU Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) Support Staff workers are pleased to once again offer the “OPSEU CAAT Support Staff Scholarship.” This is an annual scholarship given to five full-time students from Ontario’s 24 Colleges of Applied Arts & Technology. This semester’s theme is on Bullying/Psychological Harassment.


The deadline has passed. Please check the organizations website for future opportunities.

Royal Canadian Legion Bursary Assistance Program

Eligibility for this award includes:

  1. Ex-Service personnel or currently serving members of the Canadian Forces & their children & grandchildren. Commonwealth war veterans & their children & grandchildren.
  2. Ordinary & Life members of the The Royal Canadian Legion & their children & grandchildren.
  3. Associate members of The Royal Canadian Legion & their children only.
  4. Ladies’ Auxiliary members & their children & grandchildren.
  5. Step children & step grandchildren may be considered where applicable.

Applications are available at your local Legion Branch as well as the Financial Aid Office, Room 166 (Windsor) or Room T134A (Chatham).
Applications to be submitted to address provided.


Last Friday in March each year

Application & Information