Hire a St. Clair College Student or Graduate! Career Services can help connect you with students at all campuses in Windsor and Chatham-Kent, and alumni in the region.

We can help you recruit skilled and motivated workers by posting your job opportunities, hosting virtual sessions connecting you directly with students and alumni.

Industry Liaison

St. Clair College continues to maintain and establish strong industry connections in line with the College’s Strategic Directions, through the Career Services office. Through Career Services, the College has coordinated its approach to outreach by offering a single point of contact for industry/employers interested in recruiting students and graduates. For more information, please call 519-972-2727, ext. 4139.

Post a Job

Employment opportunities for St. Clair College students and graduates are posted online through our CareerCentral platform. Through CareerCentral, employers can:

  • Post job opportunities for St. Clair College students and alumni.
  • Target job seekers so that employer postings are provided to potential applicants that match employer recruitment needs.

There is no costs for employers to utilize CareerCentral. To get started, we invite you to create an employer account by visiting careercentral.stclaircollege.ca.  For more information, or if you need assistance creating your CareerCentral employer account, please contact Career Services at careercentral@stclaircollege.ca.

Student Recruitment

St. Clair College Career Services provides employers with a variety of cost-effective options to virtually connect with St. Clair College students and alumni.

Employer Day

The Employer Day Event provides an opportunity to deliver your message to groups of students in a coordinated setting and to meet one-on-one or in smaller groups interested students. Sessions can also be geared to students in specific programs. This event is ideally suited to organizations recruiting significant numbers from a particular discipline or requiring recruits from a broad range of disciplines to meet their Human Resource needs. Promotions on the College's website, and social media channels; and internal promotion will ensure that a broad range of students and graduates are aware of the employer day.

Contact Us

Contact us at 519-972-2727, ext. 4139 or via email at careercentral@stclaircollege.ca