All enrolled St. Clair College students and staff are welcome to use the Health Centre for their primary or urgent health care needs. We are dedicated to providing quality health care that focuses on you and your health needs. We believe that your success at St. Clair College depends on you maintaining a healthy mind and body.

Medical professionals are here to provide first aid and primary health care services to all staff and students. You will be treated in a caring, supportive and non-judgmental manner in a private setting where confidentiality is always respected.

The St. Clair Health Care Centre services are provided through a partnership with Dr. Frank S. DeMarco by a team of Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, and Medical Administrative Assistants to help staff and students with a wide range of healthcare needs while at the college.

Locations and Hours of Health Centres:

  • The Health Centre at Main Windsor Campus is located in the Main Building across from the Security and Parking desk.
  • The Health Centre at Downtown Campus is located in room Q0037 (B014*).
  • The Health Centre at the Chatham Campus is located in room W1019 (147*).

Please call 519-972-2727 ext 4484 between 8 am - 4 pm Monday to Friday (closed 12 pm - 1 pm).  

Persons may be able to be seen on a walk-in basis periodically throughout the day at any/all of the sites but scheduled appointments are recommended in most situations to ensure being seen in a timely manner by a health care professional.

* Old room numbers