Students enrolled in the three-year T861 Networking Technologist program are required to participate in and complete the final year Capstone Technical Project, part of the Information Systems Technologist Diploma program at St. Clair College.

This year marks the 22nd year that students will be applying the 5 Phases of the Network Design Process, (illustrated below), to a real-world setting or environment in the greater Windsor/Chatham area.

Networking Flowchart

During the completion of this project, input from both the users and management is an essential ingredient, as the various phases of the Design Process are accomplished. Such input helps personalize future designs, as well as assure that specific corporate or business needs are attained.

As part of the project’s evaluation criteria, each group of students will present their developmental designs to an assembled group of peers and instructors here at the College. Such a presentation requires that the students incorporate many of the skills learned throughout their college careers in a meaningful and well-organized format. All presentations will be accompanied with detailed supportive documentation. Although the students will NOT actually be implementing their solutions, they will be able to provide you with copies of the completed design. Such documentation by itself would normally be a costly undertaking by any firm; we trust that you will find it to be a valued reference for future Network Design considerations.

In agreeing to participate as a sponsor of our program, please be assured that the privacy, integrity, and overall security of your corporate environment will be protected. All students involved with this project MUST sign a confidentiality agreement. Breaches to any degree will be dealt with severely and will include a failing grade in this course.

We hope you will be able to support both the College and our students, by allowing your business to participate in this meaningful Network Design process. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to discuss any aspect of this project with the Faculty Advisor directly, please feel free to contact us via phone or E-mail, (E-mail is preferred if possible).