It might start when you notice something small. Then you notice another incident. A threat towards another student. Getting enraged over something minor. Comments of self-loathing. St. Clair College regularly monitors the care, welfare and safety of all of our students, faculty, and staff. We can't work, learn and live in an environment where we don't feel 100% safe.
That's where the Campus Care Team comes in. Our trained and experienced team members address student behavioural concerns that are not living up to the College’s objective of providing a non-threatening environment where everyone feels safe and secure. The Care Team addresses critical student behaviours through review of situations/incidents, information gathering and sharing, and providing recommendations to ensure the safety and educational success of the student. The Care Team does not replace other classroom management or disciplinary processes nor does it address student behaviours that require immediate attention.
The success of this process hinges on every staff member’s commitment to reporting concerns. So, we thank you for reviewing this site and doing your part to keep our college campus the best that it can be!
The Terms of Reference for the BACT team can be found at this link: Campus Care Team Terms of Reference.
The student behaviour concern report is not meant to address emergency situations. Please follow the procedures outlined in 3.31 Policy to deal with such situations.
If you are concerned about a student, download our How to help: Identifying and supporting students in distress guide to find the most appropriate way to support them.