A variety of Testing Services are available through Windsor and Chatham Campuses.

External Testing

Admission Testing - for potential students

Admission Testing is available to mature applicants who have applied to a program and do not meet the academic requirements. There are two tests:

The Admission Test - contains both English and Math and may be required for a few reasons, such as:

  • An applicant is a mature student (19 years of age or older) and does not have an OSSD or equivalent.
  • An applicant has an OSSD but does not meet the English and/or math requirements for a post-secondary program.
  • An applicant has not submitted to the Registrar's Office all documentation related to their formal education.

The English Proficiency Test - If it appears that your English grades do not meet the minimum admission requirement for a program, or you have not graduated from high school, you may be offered the opportunity to take an admission test to potentially qualify for admission to a college program.

A referral from the Registrar's Office is required before booking the appropriate test.

Test Invigilation - for non-students

Test Invigilation is available for a fee of $50.00 per sitting to anyone in the community requiring a test facilitator to administer and Proctor and/or provide test results for another college, university or company, etc.

MTCU Exemption Testing is available to candidates who wish to be exempted from some or all of the formal instruction requirements by successfully completing each level of Ministry-approved exemption tests for any of the skilled trades.

Accommodated & Make-Up Testing

Testing Services Contact Information by Campus:

Hours: M-F 8 am-9 pm (Makeup test times: 3-9 pm)
Room A2110

Hours: M-F 8 am-4 pm (after hours by appointment only)
One Riverside Drive, Room R1011

Hours: M-F 8 am-4 pm (after hours by appointment only)
Room W1023

Accommodated Testing for Students with Disabilities

Students with an accommodation plan may be eligible for accommodations, such as extended time and the use of assistive technology when taking tests and exams. Please note that accommodated tests occur at the same time as the rest of the class.

How do faculty book an accommodated test for a student in their class?

Faculty complete the Testing Instruction form as provided within the student's academic accommodation plan and attach the test.

The completed Testing Instruction form and test will form the appointment booking once received by Testing Services.

Tests are to be provided to Testing Services 48 hours in advance for processing.

The document(s) may be submitted by faculty in one of 2 ways:

  1. A hard copy can be submitted directly to Students Services during open office hours at your Campus,  OR
  2. Email the completed document to the Testing Services department at your campus

Students cannot create an appointment with Testing Services.

Make-Up Tests

Please note that make-up tests are any tests that occur at a different time than the rest of the class.

Students and faculty are to negotiate the day and time of the make-up test, within the range of time permitted by the Testing Services department at their respective campus.

How do faculty book a Make-Up test for a student in their class?

Faculty are required to complete the Make-Up Test Form for students without testing accommodations, along with any test contents, and submit it to the Testing Services department at their respective campus.

If the student that requires a make-up test has testing accommodations, please be sure to complete the Testing Instruction form as provided to you by Student Services within the student's academic accommodation plan and check "Yes" to "Make-up test."

Tests are to be provided to Testing Services 48 hours in advance for processing.

The document(s) may be submitted by faculty in one of 2 ways:

  1. A hard copy can be submitted directly to Students Services during open office hours at your Campus,  OR
  2. Email the completed document to the Testing Services department at your campus

Students cannot create an appointment with Testing Services.

Tests are to be provided to Testing Services 48 hours in advance for processing.

When can faculty book a Make-Up test for a student?

WINDSOR CAMPUS: make-up tests only occur between 3 pm - 9:00 pm Monday - Friday

CHATHAM CAMPUS & DOWNTOWN CAMPUS: Make-up test times are to be coordinated with Testing Services at your respective campus.

Please click here to read the complete Testing and Scoring Procedures document.