On-Campus Counselling Services

Counsellors are here to assist students in adjusting to the demands of college life by helping them with academic planning, stress and problem-solving, career and educational planning. All counselling is voluntary, by appointment, easily arranged and confidential. Counsellors are available at both the Windsor campuses and the Chatham campus.

Academic Counselling/Advising - Counsellors provide guidance to plan program coursework, select electives, or deal with academic challenges. Students can explore options and gather information on how to become more effective learners.

Accessibility Counselling - Counsellors guide students with disabilities through our Accommodation process. Students self-identify with Accessibility Services and provide documentation. The student and counsellor meet regularly to develop and update the Accommodation Plan which outlines the in-class and out-of-class accommodations.

Stress and Problem Solving - When stress and pressure of school or life affect a student’s ability to cope with their program, counsellors provide short-term support to develop coping strategies, problem-solving and decision-making skills. Community referrals may be made.

Career and Educational Planning - Through exploration and assessments, counsellors assist students with career decision-making and developing a personal educational plan.

How to Receive Services

To book an appointment with a college counsellor you may use any of the following methods:

Confidentiality and Self-Advocacy

Counsellors adhere to confidentiality and only communicate with the student regarding their program, progress and accommodations. Any communication with College faculty staff and administration supporting student success will not disclose the nature of a disability.

Students are expected to develop self-advocacy skills, e.g. learning about college processes and supports, communicating with teachers, or identifying issues and concerns and seeking out appropriate supports.

Communication from the College to the student will be through the assigned College email system. Students should check their accounts regularly.

Booking appointments with Accessibility or Counselling Services must be made by contacting Reception (see How to Receive Services above).