Withdrawal and Refund Policy | St. Clair College

St. Clair College's international student withdrawal & refund policy has been developed to support the efforts and recent changes as it relates to international students and the requirements of Provincial Attestation Letters (PALs) at Designated Learning Institutions made by Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) and Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

Withdrawal and refund requests must be received in person within 10 business days of the beginning of the semester for a refund to be considered.

If a student submits a withdrawal request after the first 10 school days of the semester, only subsequent semester fees paid will be reimbursed. Any outstanding balances owing on a student's account will be deducted from the refund.

All international students who arrive in Canada must request a withdrawal and refund in person at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario. Written requests will not be accepted. Please download the Refund Request Form HERE.

First semester international student refund requests will only be reviewed between days 6-10 of the beginning of the semester, to allow for appropriate service to incoming international students through startup.

If students are transferring to another institution the student must submit the following:

  • Copy of the St. Clair College Letter of Acceptance.
  • Copy of the student Study Permit.
  • Copy of the student passport.
  • Copy of the Letter of Acceptance from the other Designated Learning Institute indicating:
    • The same semester in which the student is attending St. Clair College,
    • The same or higher education level as the student’s St. Clair College program,
    • Transfer requests to Ontario schools who have signed the first-semester Non-Transfer Agreement will be subject to full first-semester fees prior to refund.
  • Provincial Attestation Letter from the other Designated Learning Institute
  • Proof of first-semester tuition payment to the new institution.
  • Confirmation that the student has changed their Designated Learning Institute with IRCC.
  • Written communication with the student’s agent that the student is withdrawing from St. Clair College, given that the student applied to St. Clair College with an agent.
  • Bank wire receipt showing payment from your home country.

Registered students requesting a refund are not eligible for a refund of the first semester mandatory International Health Insurance fee, except for visa denial.

Housing Accommodations: Bundled accommodation fees are non-refundable unless due to a visa denial.

Reason for Withdrawal

Students requesting a refund due to a visa denial must submit a copy of their visa denial letter to the online admissions portal (OCAS) along with a completed International Student Withdrawal Form to internationalrefunds@stclaircollege.ca

All other approved refunds are subject to a $2,649.95 administrative fee and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

If you are going back to your home country we require a copy of your boarding pass once you have arrived home.

Arrival and Settlement Services

Students who use St. Clair College's arrival services (short-term accommodations) will be subject to a non-refundable fee of up to $500.00.

Method of Refund

Refunds will be issued in the same method of payment as the original transaction once a completed application has been received by St. Clair College.

The processing of refund requests will not be started until after the 10th business day after the start of classes. However, the request to receive a refund must be received by the 10th business day after the start of the semester.

Submission of Withdrawal/Refund Request

For additional information contact internationalrefunds@stclaircollege.ca