Below you will find a number of resources, both internal and external, who are available to help you or someone you know who has experienced sexual assault or sexual violence.

It is often helpful, even if you don't want to report the assault, to talk to someone who can help you understand the process of healing or the process of reporting.

Talk to someone quickly, don't wait and let it fester and allow it to interfere with your daily activities. Your confidentiality is important. The resources listed can also help you understand when and how your name can be held confidential.

Internal Resources

Student Reporting Options and Resources Flowchart

Campus Emergencies

Windsor: 519-972-2727 x4911
Chatham: 519-354-9100 x3911

Campus Security

If you are concerned about your personal safety and security while on campus or would like to report the incident to be investigated either internally or would like assistance with reporting to the Police, please call Campus Security from any campus at 519-972-2741 (Emergencies: Windsor: 519-972-2727 x4911, Chatham: 519-354-9100 x3911) or call the Manager, Occupational Health and Safety at 519-972-2727 x4686.

Campus Health Centres

If you would like to connect with medical personnel because you are concerned for your personal health and would like advice on what to do at this point, please go to the nearest Campus Health Centre or call, from any campus, 519-972-2381 to make an appointment.

Student Services Counselling Department

If you would like to discuss the incident with a Counsellor, who can refer you to other resources, assist you in dealing with the incident and help to guide you on what to do next, please go to the nearest Student Services office or call 519-972-2727 x4226 in Windsor or 519-354-9714 x 3306 in Chatham to make an appointment.

Student Government

Your student government has representatives that can work with you and support you by connecting you with the right resources that will work for you.
Student Representative Counsel (SRC):
Thames Student Institute (TSI):

Residence Manager

If you are a resident at our Windsor or Chatham Campus residences, and you experience a sexual assault, the Residence Manager is available to you to discuss the situation, discuss options for your safety in residence and help you determine what path you want to take and what resources are available to you. You can call the Residence Manager at
Windsor Residence:
Chatham Residence:

Confidential, Anonymous Counselling

Available to St. Clair College Students

Good to Talk
Post-Secondary Student Helpline – Free 24/7/365 professional, anonymous support for students

Student Lifeline
Professional support for maintaining a healthy balance between school, work and everyday lift. Confidential consultations, counselling, community referrals, resources (articles, CD's, booklets), and online tools (blogs, podcasts, Depression and Stop Smoking Centres)
Tty/tdd 1-877-371-9978
(user ID: stclair, Password: lifeworks)

Available to St. Clair College Employees

Employee Assistance Plan
Confidential counselling for employees

External Resources

Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Windsor
1770 Langlois Avenue
Windsor, ON N8X 4M5
Telephone: 519-253-3100
24-Hour Crisis Line: 519-253-9667

Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
405 Riverview Drive
Unit 101, R.R.#5
Chatham, Ontario N7N 5J5
Telephone: 519-354-8908
24-Hour Crisis Line: 519-354-8688

Windsor Police Services
150 Goyeau Street
P.O. Box 60
Windsor, ON
N9A 6J5
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergency Line: 519-258-6111

Chatham Kent Police Services
24 Third Street
P.O. Box 366
Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K5
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergency Line: 519-354-1234

Hiatus House
250 Louis Avenue
Windsor, ON N9A 1W2
24-Hour Telephone: 519-252-7781

Teen Health Centre
1361 Ouellette Avenue Unit 101
Windsor, ON N8X1J6
Telephone: 519-253-8481

Victim Services of Windsor
1219 Hicks Road
Essex, ON N8M 2Y2

Victim Services of Chatham-Kent
24 Third Street, Box 366
Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K5
Tel: 519-436-6630

Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Center (SA/DVTC)
Metropolitan Campus, 4th Floor
1995 Lens Avenue
Windsor, Ontario
N8W 1L9
(519) 255-2234

Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Treatment Centre
Chatham - Kent Health Alliance
80 Grand Avenue West
Chatham, Ontario
N7L 1B7
519-352-6400 x 6382

rees logo

24-7-365 Online Reporting

St. Clair College has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus. REES allows members of our campus community to Create a Record of the incident and choose from multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI). REES provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare, and support services.

REES can be accessed online anywhere, anytime. Go to and select St. Clair College from the drop-down list.