Medical Assistance

If you need medical help right now, you have options:

  • If you've been assaulted and are concerned about your wellbeing, either physically or emotionally, the sexual assault crisis centre is one place to start.

    Sexual Assault Crisis Centre of Windsor
    1770 Langlois Avenue
    Windsor, ON N8X 253-3100
    Telephone: 519-253-3100
    24-Hour Crisis Line: 519-253-5667

    Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre
    405 Riverview Drive
    Unit 101, R.R.#5
    Chatham, Ontario N7N 5J5
    Telephone: 519-354-8908
    24-Hour Crisis Line: 519-354-8688

  • On campus, during regular business hours, you can also attend the Campus Health Centre. The Health Centre staff are there to help you understand the options that are available to you as well as connecting you with the resources, on and off campus, to assist you going forward.

    Campus Health Centres

Understanding Your Options

Anyone who has experienced sexual assault or sexual violence has the right to:

  • be treated with dignity and respect,
  • be believed,
  • be informed about on- and off-campus services and resources,
  • decide whether or not to access available services and to choose those services they feel will be most beneficial,
  • decide whether to report to campus security and/or local police,
  • have an on-campus investigation with the institution's full cooperation,
  • have a safety plan, and
  • have reasonable and necessary actions taken to prevent further unwanted contact with the alleged perpetrator(s).

Talking to Someone About Your Options

If you are not sure what to do next and need to understand your options, the following on-campus resources are available to you.

Campus Security

If you are concerned about your personal safety and security while on campus or would like to report the incident to be investigated either internally or would like assistance with reporting to the Police, please call Campus Security from any campus at 519-972-2741 (Emergencies: Windsor: 519-972-2727 x4911, Chatham: 519-354-9100 x3911) or call the Manager, Occupational Health and Safety at 519-972-2727 x4686.

Campus Health Centres

If you would like to connect with medical personnel because you are concerned for your personal health and would like advice on what to do at this point, please go to the nearest Campus Health Centre or call, from any campus, 519-972-2381 to make an appointment.

Student Services Counselling Department

If you would like to discuss the incident with a Counsellor, who can refer you to other resources, assist you in dealing with the incident and help to guide you on what to do next, please go to the nearest Student Services office or call 519-972-2727 x4226 in Windsor or 519-354-9714 x 3306 in Chatham to make an appointment.

Student Government

Your student government has representatives that can work with you and support you by connecting you with the right resources that will work for you.
Student Representative Counsel (SRC):
Thames Student Institute (TSI):

Residence Manager

If you are a resident at our Windsor or Chatham Campus residences, and you experience a sexual assault, the Residence Manager is available to you to discuss the situation, discuss options for your safety in residence and help you determine what path you want to take and what resources are available to you. You can call the Residence Manager at
Windsor Residence:
Chatham Residence:

If you know that you want to report the incident to the Police or internally to Campus Security:

Reporting the assault is something that is up to you. While you can talk to your friends or family about it, the decision is yours. Any of the above resources can discuss the situation with you and help you understand the process so that you can make an informed decision.

If you want to report the sexual assault internally, please contact Campus Security at 519-972-2741.

If you want to report the sexual assault to the Police, please contact the police in the jurisdiction that the incident occurred. If you would like Campus Security to assist you with making the call to the Police, please just ask.

Windsor Police Services
150 Goyeau Street
P.O. Box 60
Windsor, ON
N9A 6J5
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergency Line: 519-258-6111

Chatham Kent Police Services
24 Third Street
P.O. Box 366
Chatham, Ontario N7M 5K5
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergency Line: 519-354-1234

Things to consider:

  • Reporting the sexual assault quickly after it happened is important if you wish to press charges so that medical evidence can be collected. If you are still unsure whether or not you want to press charges, the Sexual Assault Treatment Centre can obtain the evidence and hold it pending your decision.
  • If you suspect that you have been drugged, it is important to attend the Sexual Assault Treatment Centre as drug testing needs to be done quickly. Take a sample of your first urine if possible and bring it into the centre.
  • Think about preserving evidence - Don't bathe, shower, douche, wash your sheets or clothing - if you think you may want to press charges.
  • If you decide to press charges, the police will ask you to undergo a medical examination by a specially trained medical team and have injury photos taken. This can all be done at the Sexual Assault Treatment Centre.
  • Police will interview you and ask you questions about the assault.
  • When charged are laid, you will be required to testify in court.

rees logo

24-7-365 Online Reporting

St. Clair College has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus. REES allows members of our campus community to Create a Record of the incident and choose from multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI). REES provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare, and support services.

REES can be accessed online anywhere, anytime. Go to and select St. Clair College from the drop-down list.