Drop/Add Policy

You must notify the Registrar’s Office if you wish to add a course(s) or withdraw from a course(s).  You may "add" courses during the first 10 (ten) days from the start of classes. You may "drop" courses within the first two-thirds of a given semester.

Please complete the Official Drop/Add form (PDF). Once complete, please bring it to the Registrar’s Office in person (Room 166) or send it by email: info@stclaircollege.ca.

NOTE: NO REFUND will be given for courses dropped after the first 10 days of classes.

Academic Standing Policy

To be academically eligible to graduate from a program at St. Clair College a student must pass all required courses and achieve a 2.00-grade point average in the courses related to that program. In cases of sub-standard performance, students will receive one of the following standings: academic warning, academic probation, or academic dismissal.

A student on academic warning or probation may be required to successfully complete failed courses before proceeding in the program.

Academic Standing - Good: A student will receive academic good standing at the end of a semester when the student has successfully completed all courses and maintained a Career Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.00 or greater.

Academic Standing - Warning: A student will receive an academic warning at the end of a semester if 1% to 15% of the career credit hours within a term has been failed.

Academic Standing - Probation: A student will be placed on academic probation at the end of a semester when the Career semester GPA falls below 2.00 or if 16 to 32% of the Career credit hours have been failed.

Academic Standing - Dismissal: Academic dismissal may be imposed if: three or more courses are failed; fails 33% or more of the Career credit hours; has a Career Grade Point Average less than 2.00 for two consecutive semesters; fails the same course twice; is on probation following re-admission to a Career and fails to achieve a semester GPA of 2.00 by the next evaluation period.

Academic Grade Appeal Policy

View/download the Academic Grade Appeal Policy (PDF).

Clinical/Field Placements

Clinical/Field placements are a required part of many of our programs. Also, in most cases in order to participate in these placements students are required to obtain a police clearance through a College designated agency and at the student’s own expense. The College assumes no obligation for ensuring clinical/field placement or program completion for students who are unable to provide a satisfactory police record check. Please refer to this webpage for pertinent information.