Getting Started with eCampus | St. Clair College

NOTE: If you are registered in any courses with course codes starting with ONT or ACE, the following start-up information is NOT for you. Those are OntarioLearn courses and start-up information can be found on the OntarioLearn - How To Get Started page.

You will not be able to access your course prior to the official start date and for those registering during the first week of the course, it may take up to 3 business days to activate your account.


Required texts are listed on our Campus Store Website. To buy your text(s), visit our Campus Store in person, or purchase them online!

How Do I Access My Online Course?

St. Clair College uses a product called Blackboard to host its online courses. The Blackboard website is where your instructor will post all course-related information and announcements.

One business day after you register for a course at St. Clair College, an email will be sent from IT Services to the personal email address you provided to St. Clair College with your registration. This email will contain your St. Clair College email address and information about setting up your password. If you have not received this information within 3 business days of your registration, contact the IT Help Desk at 519-972-2727 ext. 2500. Provide your Name, Student #, phone number and personal email address.

To log onto Blackboard:

  1. Go to, click on myST.CLAIR at the top of the page.
  2. Log in using your St. Clair ONE credentials.
  3. Click on the Blackboard icon.
  4. You will see a link for each Blackboard course in your "Courses" tab. Courses do not show up until their official start date and you will not be able to start until that date. If your course is still not available after the official start date, or within 3 days of your registration thereafter, please call (519) 972-2711 to speak to the Department of Continuing Education.
  5. The course(s) for which you have registered should appear each time you log onto Blackboard.
  6. If you encounter difficulties finding your course(s) on Blackboard, please contact the St. Clair College helpdesk by clicking the 'Helpdesk' tile in the myST.CLAIR portal.

Your Course Section

Multiple sections of some online courses have been set up (e.g. 065, 565, 066). Please check your registration status to determine which course section you are in. You can do this by going to to access your student information in the self-service system. You can find your eCampus course section by checking your schedule.