Accessibility | St. Clair College

Library Contact:

askON - Online Research Help

Chat/Text Hours:

Winter Hours:  
Jan 6th - March 31st
Mon-Thurs: 9:00 am - 9:00 pm  
Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm  
Sat-Sun: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm

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If you have any accessibility concerns, questions, or requests regarding Library Resource Centre materials, services, or facilities please contact us for assistance.

For more information about accessibility at St. Clair College please visit the Accessibility Services webpage.

Library Books

If you require assistance retrieving items from the library's physical collections please request assistance at the Circulation Desk.

Library books can be produced in an alternative format upon request for a patron with a print disability. Patrons may request a particular item be produced in an accessible format by presenting their accommodation plan to the library along with information about the requested item(s). Items will be provided in a reasonable timeframe. Materials provided are subject to Canadian copyright law and are made available for use to persons with disabilities listed under section 32 of the Canadian Copyright Act. Requests may be fulfilled completely using the Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE).

Patrons with a print disability may bring their accommodation plan to the Library Resource Centre to receive access to the Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE). The ACE repository stores digital copies of library holdings which are accessible to library users at Ontario universities and colleges. Only items which are currently held in print format at St. Clair College Library Resource Centre are eligible to be digitized and viewed through ACE by St. Clair College students, faculty, and staff.

Click here to access the Accessible Content E-Portal (ACE).

Extended Loan Periods

Books circulate for 2 weeks and can be renewed provided no other patron places a hold on the item. Books may be renewed in person, by phone, by email, or online.

Patrons with a disability which requires extensions on assignments may request extended loan periods by presenting their accommodation plan to the library. Loans will be extended by the number of days/weeks noted for assignment extensions. Materials which are loaned out for an extended period are still subject to circulating procedures including holds (which restrict the ability of the patron to renew the item) and fines for the late return of materials.