Co-Ed Volleyball League | St. Clair College

Chatham Campus HealthPlex
1001 Grand Avenue West, Chatham, Ontario
519-354-9100 x3401

HealthPlex Hours of Operation:

  Monday to Thursday
  6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

  6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The 2024/2025 Coed Volleyball League is full!

Schedule Weekly Standings

League consists of a 20-week regular season followed by playoffs.

  • League begins on Thursday, September 12th.
  • Games are played between 6 pm and 10 pm.
  • League will consist of 2 divisions (Intermediate and Competitive)
  • League schedules will be made 5 weeks at a time.
  • Any team may be moved up or down a division before the start of a new schedule based on performance. This rule is to ensure competitive balance at both levels.

General Rules:

  • Please arrive 15 minutes early to ensure that your games will start on time.
  • Games are 55 minutes in length and are comprised of three RALLY POINT sets to 25 points. Sets must be won by 2 points. The Cap is at 30 points. Therefore, if the score is tied 29-29, the next point wins (first team to 30 points).
  • If a game concludes early, the teams can continue to play, but the score of the fourth set will not be recorded.
  • St. Clair College HealthPlex Staff will act as the official score and timekeeper.
  • Referees will not be provided and each team will be responsible for making their own calls. HealthPlex staff will be present for scorekeeping only.
  • Teams are comprised of 6 to 12 players with a minimum of 2 women and 2 men on the court at all times. Teams may agree to waive the rules regarding minimum players but this should be decided before the game starts. IF IT IS AGREED THAT THE GAME COUNTS, IT COUNTS!
  • All players must be at least 16 years of age.
  • A forfeit for the first set of a game will occur if any team cannot field a team by 10 minutes after the official start time. The second set of the game will be forfeited 20 minutes after the official start time and the third and final set of the game will be forfeited 30 minutes after the official start time (e.g., a team that forfeits the first set, can still play the second and third sets, providing that enough players eventually arrive). Each forfeited set results in the loss of 1 in the overall standings.
  • Rally point scoring WILL be used during league play – you do not have to be serving to score a point.
  • A player may NOT block or spike a serve. Players CAN open-hand volley a serve.
  • A server may serve the ball from anywhere along the baseline.
  • Net serves ARE allowed. This means that if a serve hits the net but the motion of the ball carries it over the net, it is a live ball – it is not a service fault.
  • A player may play the ball off any part of his/her body, including feet.
  • A player may not touch the net during any part of the play.
  • Rotate new players in before your team starts a new server.
  • A player may pass under the net as long as the penetrating foot or hand remains either in contact with the centre line or directly above it. To contact the opponent’s court with any other body part is forbidden and a point should be awarded to the other team
  • If time runs out in the middle of a game, whoever is winning the game at that moment is considered the winner.
  • Servers DO rotate after five consecutive points. The same team continues to serve as long as his/her team successfully wins the point.
  • A ball that hits the wall or ceiling is out of bounds.
  • Teams may call a 1-minute time-out per match if needed except during the final 10 minutes of play.
  • Any team forfeiting more than 3 matches may be asked to leave the league, with no refund.

Have further questions? Please contact Victoria Krouse, Member Services Coordinator by phone at 519-354-9100 ext. 3401 or by email at