Where To Go For Immediate Help | St. Clair College

Campus Security

Windsor: 519-972-2741
Chatham: 519-354-9100 x3911

  • Provide safe escort on campus.
  • Safety plans
  • Assist with calling Police
    (if you want them to)
  • Write up a report and submit to the College

Windsor Sexual Assault Treatment Centre


Chatham Kent Health Alliance: Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre

519.352.6400 x 6382 or emergency department after hours

  • Medical Assessment and Evidence Collection
  • Counselling
  • Advise on options for reporting to Police

Police - 911

  • Take your report
  • Advise on options for next steps

rees logo

24-7-365 Online Reporting

St. Clair College has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to provide online reporting for sexual violence on campus. REES allows members of our campus community to Create a Record of the incident and choose from multiple reporting options: Anonymous Report, Connect to My Campus, or Repeat Perpetrator Identification (RPI). REES provides information about campus and community-based resources such as sexual assault centres, healthcare, and support services.

REES can be accessed online anywhere, anytime. Go to https://reescommunity.com/campus and select St. Clair College from the drop-down list.