We are here to help make your experience at the College the best it can be. There are loads of services to help you succeed, and tons of opportunities to get involved in college life.

Please make sure you participate in this important event which is usually scheduled for the last week of August or the first week of September for the Fall semester, the first week of January for the Winter semester, and the first week of May for the Spring semester. You will receive an email Save-the-Date and other emails with information outlining Orientation and the day you will attend based on your program.

We look forward to seeing you and welcome to St. Clair College!

Here are some of the things you can do at Orientation!
  • Meet your faculty
  • Purchase your books
  • Buy your parking pass
  • Pick up info about scholarships and bursaries available
  • Take a tour
  • Meet your classmates & student leaders

Students are encouraged to participate in their in-person orientation sessions.

  • Messages from student leaders
  • A message from the College President
  • Thrives Essential Skills to provide insight into the habits of successful students
  • Faculty Academic Sessions to provide an opportunity to hear from your program coordinator and faculty about your program of study, expectations of incoming students, labs, exams, textbooks, and have the opportunity to ask questions.

Information can be found on our Orientation page once it launches for the semester.