Big shoutout to our 2nd year Practical Nursing students who had an enriching experience learning about mental health services in our community! We had the honour of being joined by two incredible community partners, Hotel Dieu Grace Healthcare and Canadian Mental Health Association. We deliberately aligned this unique experience with Course Learning Outcomes, to maximize the benefits for our students. The day was filled with insightful sessions on various therapies, treatments, counseling, and best practices for a variety of mental health diagnoses. Together, they explored the crucial role RPN's play in serving the vulnerable populations. The symposium also expanded their exposure to various community partners, further amplifying their understanding in case they miss out on mental health exposure during your clinical experience! The Canadian Mental Health Association went a step further in making this day more engaging, conducting interactive activities. These activities allowed them to introspect and reflect on emotions, self-care, and provided much-needed best-practice resources for both personal and professional life. The symposium took place in November. Join us in applauding the effort of our students and community partners in making this day successful. Let's continue to learn, grow, and make a positive impact in the community!