Personal Safety & Pharmacology | St. Clair College
Course Code
Course Credit

This modular course is designed to provide preparation for the Child and Youth Care student for entrance into the block field placement component of the program. Module one presents a workshop on pharmacology to introduce the CYC student to the most common medications prescribed to children and youth to remediate mental health and behavioural symptoms, the known side effects and effective administration, documentation, and handling of medications. While students do not administer or handle medications, this workshop prepares the student for the work place. Module two involves the training of safe and effective behaviour management of clients following the Safe Management Group training approach for preparation for the work place. Students on placement do not restrain clients in any way and will be trained in the specific strategies according to the agency's policy and procedural manual once employed. The training is to provide students with an understanding of behaviour de-escalation and prevention strategies in addition to protection of both clients and self. Module three involves preparation for success in the field placement experience and includes instruction regarding the various expectations on placement, dress code, behavioural expectations, training on how to be an effective team player, rights and responsibilities of the student on placement and how to problem solve as well as prevent conflictual situations with clients and staff. This course is designed to prepare the student for a successful field practicum experience.