Getting Started:
In order to access Blackboard, you will first need to sync your password with St. Clair ONE. Instructions to sync your password for all related College systems are located on the Blackboard login page as per below or you may view the St. Clair ONE Password Management document for additional information.
After performing the above, your Blackboard username will normally be your College email address. Your password will have been assigned to you by the St. Clair ONE password manager. If you have difficulty logging in with the information provided by the St. Clair ONE identity management system please contact the Support Desk at 519-972-2727 ext. 2500.
You may access Blackboard by clicking on the Blackboard tile from your mySt.Clair portal.
After accessing Blackboard if you do not see the link to a specific course or if you see the message "You are not enrolled in any courses", it will mean one of the following:
- Your instructor has not yet made it available to your class. In this case, you will wish to speak with your instructor if they indicate that they use Blackboard for your class.
- You may not be officially enrolled in that particular class. If your instructor does not have you on their class list, you may wish to visit the Registrar's Office or Registration Area in order to confirm that you are indeed enrolled for that class or to have them rectify the issue.
Course Availability:
You will see a link for each Blackboard course in which you are enrolled from your "Courses" tab immediately after each course has been made available to you and your fellow classmates. For students who are officially enrolled after their term start date, access to Blackboard courses will take effect the following business day after their registration...If your course is still not available after that time, please contact your Instructor.
Logout Procedure:
When you are about to exit a Blackboard session, always ensure that you properly log out by clicking the Logout button located near the top centre of your Internet browser window.
Failure to do so does not constitute a successful end to your Blackboard session and could result in another Student gaining access to your personal information.