To All St. Clair College Students:
In the event of a potential strike this coming Monday, January 15, 2024, by Transit Windsor workers, as a proactive measure to assist in facilitating academic learning, the College will provide all students who hold a valid Transit Windsor bus pass with a $275.00 credit that will be applied to their student accounts to offset any additional expenses they may incur in finding alternate transportation. This will be done in the form of a bursary and is outside the potential possibility of receiving any refund from Transit Windsor for the cost of your "Transit Windsor Bus Pass" prorated for the Winter semester.
As the College expects extra traffic related to dropping off and picking up students, and since Transit Windsor buses will not be in the front of the College bus loop, the College will temporarily allow cars into the bus loop to drop off and pick up students. Please use the bus loop for a “quick” drop off and pick up activity. Please use T lot, the visitor lot across from the main entrance, as a cell phone lot. This means that, temporarily, this lot can be used to park while waiting for students to be picked up. Individuals must remain in their vehicles. Please note that there is also a drop-off spot within T lot itself. Additional guards will be on duty for traffic control.
We will also be emphasizing to faculty and staff that this transportation disruption may severely interfere with the ability of many students to attend their classes. We are confident that those caring educators will take the steps necessary to assist those affected students, by ensuring (for instance) that all in-class material and lecture notes are made available via Blackboard and/or other electronic means.
In addition, in the event of a strike, the College and your Student Representative Council (SRC) will also try to help students in need of transportation assistance by creating a ride-share program.
This may take several days to set up. Look for follow-up emails and posts on the College’s and SRC’s web pages and social media platforms as that system is launched.
As always, St. Clair College is committed to ensuring the success of our students and will support their academic endeavours in any manner possible.
We thank you for your patience and understanding while we hope for a settlement soon.