On Monday December 12, St. Clair College and the St. Clair College Alumni Association were recognized by the City of Windsor for being 2022 Community Champions.
College President Patti France was joined by St. Clair College Alumni President John Feldman at City Hall as Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens publicly thanked each President for their community involvement and leadership in our city.
Mayor Dilkens cited the many ways the College and alumni supported the city's efforts this past year.
The College and alumni both were presenting sponsors of this summer's Can-Am Police-Fire Games opening ceremonies and the "Taste of Carrousel," featuring eight different cultural cuisine specialty offerings to the audience of 3,000 people attending.
During these games, the alumni association was the presenting sponsor for the "FireFit Challenge Competition," which attracted firefighters across North America to the games. Since 2019, the alumni association has sponsored the Can-Am Police-Fire Golf Series leading up to the 2022 games.
In 2018, the College partnered with the Friends of the Court and established the McKenzie Hall Landscape Student Sponsorship Program. Every year, our students have worked each summer maintaining the grounds of the historic McKenzie Hall in west Windsor.
This September, the College again sponsored Open Streets. It provided an interactive visit for participants on the route outside our MediaPlex at the corner of University and Victoria avenues.
The College and alumni association continue their sponsorship of Windsor's Bright Lights in Jackson Park. The College sponsors Santa's Sleigh, and the alumni are sponsors of the photogenic holiday wreath in the park.
The Mayor presented both President Patti France and President John Feldman a plaque as on behalf of city council and the residents of the City of Windsor for being valued Community Champions.