Rules & Etiquette | St. Clair College

Chatham Campus HealthPlex
1001 Grand Avenue West, Chatham, Ontario
519-354-9100 x3401

HealthPlex Hours of Operation:

  Monday to Thursday
  6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

  6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

  7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

  10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Procedures for Non-compliance

St. Clair College has a Code of Conduct policy and related procedures that the HealthPlex adheres to. We reserve the right to use this policy and procedures if we deem it necessary. St. Clair College is a professional establishment and we reserve the right to terminate a membership after 3 documented notifications of not following any combinations of the rules.

Health & Safety

  • No glass water bottles.
  • Smoking and alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited.
  • Be aware or your own physical limitations and avoid over-exertion.
  • Remember to stay hydrated during workouts.
  • Report any injury to HealthPlex staff.
  • If you are unsure about proper use of equipment, seek staff assistance.


  • In the event of an emergency, seek staff assistance immediately.
  • First Aid kits are available at the Member Services and Fitness Centre desks.
  • In case of fire, evacuate immediately through the nearest exit. The emergency response team will give direction.


  • All members must scan in at the Member Services desk before entering the gymnasium.
  • Proper athletic attire is always required, including shirts and clean, non-marking shoes.
  • Do not wear wet or dirty footwear into the gymnasium.
  • All members are expected to treat fellow members and staff with respect at all times.
  • All members must respect each other’s privacy, therefore capturing video or photos which include other members or staff is prohibited.
  • No food is permitted in the gymnasium and drinks must be stored in non-glass bottles.
  • To protect our members and our equipment, please ask for staff assistance with any equipment set up.

Fitness Centre

  • Proper athletic attire is always required, including shirts and clean, non-marking shoes.
  • Do not wear wet or dirty footwear into the Fitness Centre.
  • Bags are not permitted past the Fitness Centre desk. Please leave all bags in a locker or a cubby.
  • Abusive language and/or disrespect towards others will not be tolerated. After one warning, you will be asked to leave.
  • Dangerous use of equipment will not be tolerated.
  • Please clean all machines after use, using a paper towel and the spray bottles provided.
  • For everyone’s comfort, please ensure good hygiene by wearing clean workout attire and using deodorant.

Fitness Studio

  • Arrive 10 minutes early to class to set up your station.
  • Please return all equipment neatly back in original racks/location.
  • Please clean all mats and equipment after use, using a paper towel and the spray bottles provided.
  • Use changeroom lockers to store bags and other personal belongings.
  • Advise instructor prior to class of any injuries or if you need to leave class early.
  • Proper athletic attire is always required, including shirts and clean, non-marking shoes.

Change Rooms

  • All members must respect each other’s privacy, therefore FaceTiming, capturing videos and/or photos in the changerooms is prohibited.
  • We ask that members refrain from applying scented perfume, cologne or lotions while in the HealthPlex.
  • Lockers are for day use only. Members are asked to provide their own locks. Any lock left on a locker for more than 24 hours will be removed. Contents will be kept at the Member Services desk for 1 week.
  • The HealthPlex is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen property. Please lock up your belongings.
  • Lost and Found is located at Member Services desk.
  • In the event of an emergency, seek staff assistance immediately at Member Services or the Fitness Centre.

Walking/Running Track

  • Walking/running direction alternates daily. The days directions are posted at both entrances to the track.
  • Please respect fellow members by passing with kindness.
  • The track is for members only. Gymnasium spectators are not permitted on the track. All spectators must watch activities from the main floor.
  • Clean, non-marking shoes must be worn on the track.
  • All belongings should be stored in lockers. The HealthPlex is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property.
  • Walking and/or running is permitted in both lanes.

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