From Burned Out to Blissed Out: Fortify Resilience, Rekindle Passion and Grow Strong From Hardship | St. Clair College
Course Code:
CNT 784N
Area of Interest:

PD Workshops

Training Topics include: Biopsychosocial models of stress and when faced with different stressors. Relationships between stress, resilience, and burnout, and how to turn stressful events into growth opportunities. Cognitive, behavioural, and existential methods of overcoming stress, preventing burnout, and recovering from it.

Skills Development include: 1. Recognize what happens in the body and brain when faced with stressors, and its implications. 2. Understand the link between stress, resilience, and burnout, and learn how to create positivity out of stress. 3. Employ various proven techniques to handle work and life stressors efficiently.


This course is not scheduled for the current semester.